Der Tag in Stichworten: 9 Uhr Full
Breakfast (nimm Dir von allem etwas). Danach Spaziergang nach Darling
Harbour (Sorry Nadine, wir haben die ENIGMA nicht gefunden, sie ist
aber noch da).
Gila overlooking everything |
Nadine - Thts where ENIGMA was supposed to be - but it was in action |
View to Sealife and Wildlife at Darling Harbour |
Gila - Darling Harbour |
Allianz - The Germans are everywhere |
Darling Harbour - Pymont Bridge |
Nachmittag ab 13 Uhr: Treffen mit
unseren australischen Kunden und unserem Distributor CCA Software.
Ich habe die neue Version unserer Software zur Datensynchronisation
in heterogenen Umgebungen vorgestellt und Implementationsbeispiele
von verschiedener Kunden. Die Reaktion war sehr positiv.
Showtime |
The B.O.S. tcVISION User Group Meeting |
Get together after the meetin |
Thank ya all folks. Great day.
The day in short: 9 am
Full Breakfast (take something from everything). After that a walk to
Darling Harbour (Sorry Nadine, we didn't find ENIGMA, BUT THE BOAT IS
Afternoon 1pm: Meeting
with our Australian customers and with our distributor CCA Software.
I gave presentations about the new version of our data
synchronization product tcVISION and presented special implementation
examples of some of our customers. The reaction of our Australian
customers was very positive.
Thank ya all folks. Great
Great job, Peter!
AntwortenLöschenThanks Graham.